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Attend Services Online

Sunday School                                                           9:00AM

Sunday Worship                                                      10:00AM

Wednesday Night Bible Institute                                   7:30PM

Wednesday Bi-weekly Seniors Bible Study(1&3 Wed.)  12:00PM

Saturday Bi-weekly Online Bible Study(1&3 Sat.)           9:00AM

Saturday Bi-weekly Online Bible Institute(1&3 Sat.)       10:30AM

Monday Online Prayer Meeting(4th Mon.)                     7:00PM

Family Life Ministry (4th Sat.)                                     10:30AM

Men's Ministry (2nd Tues.)                                           7:30PM

Women Ministry (3rd Sat.)                                           1:00PM

Youth Ministry (4th Fri.)                                                7:30PM

Health and Fitness Ministry (4th Sat.)                            9:30AM

Missionary Ministry (1st Thurs. and Quarterly)              12:00PM

Pastoral Counseling (1st and 3rd Mon.)                         5:00PM

Hospital Visitations (1st and 3rd Thurs.)                       10:00AM

Women in Chuch Robes
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